Friday, April 25, 2008

NEWSFLASH: Jarhead is a depressing film!!! (Originally posted on MySpace on Sunday, November 06, 2005)

During the first reel I was worried it was gonna be Full Metal Jacket goes to know the drill...voice over....screaming drill sargeant...the whole bit. But it wasn't a bad film. It got me down tough. It really drove home what a waste of time war is...and sort of how pointless it all can be...and all these guys sacrificed all this they really had nothing to go home to but cheating wives and dead end jobs...

Lot's of stuff about taking a good long look in the mirror. I'm getting a little too old now to really worry about getting "shipped out", I'm glad I'm not a senior in High School right now or else old G Dub would have my blood running into some sandy gutter for His God and His Oil...while my girlfriend banged some conservative chicken hawk's son back home...

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