Thursday, March 26, 2009

Otomedius Gorgeous DLC adds a couple new additions to it's roster of questionable choices in combat pilots..

Before I could even finish accusing Kotaku of being the most "Fan Service Friendly" enthusiast site on the web than they go and post up some anime boobs in an effort to peel some traffic away from the constant GDC updates on other sites.

Naturally, the discussion is boob focused. In this case the game Kotaku has dubbed a "Boob-Shooter", Konami's Japanese (for now) XBLA game Otomedius Gorgeous. I blogged about this game back in october when it was released, but now it appears that there is some DLC coming out which will be adding two new characters.

The original post was pretty popular, so I see no reason not to post up screen shots of these new characters in an effort to continue driving traffic to my site from the middle east, which according to Site Meter is has a lot of Anime Fans. Anyway, where ever you're from, enjoy:








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